Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tim Tebow/Denver Broncos and the Four Corner Offense

For those who don't know me, I have been on the Tebow bandwagon from the beginning. I think he has that certain something, that just doesn't show up on the stat sheet, that you can't tangibly measure. I risked looking like an idiot to all of my friends supporting Tebow and championing him to those who were convinced he couldn't play QB in the NFL.

That being said, Let's be honest, Denver have won, mainly through Defense,great special teams, and very very fortunate bounces. Tebow has led some impressive last possession/game winning drives, but before people start claiming he is better than Cam Newton or a plethora of other QBs, this needs to be kept in mind:

Denver,essentially play a version of High School basketball's Four Corner Offense.

For those not high school basketball aficionados, The Four Corner offense is essentially ran, to shorten games, limit possessions, a lot of times when a team is over matched. It emphasizes efficient play, and maximizes the importance of protecting the ball. Denver win, largely in part, because Tebow doesn't turn the ball over.

In the 4 corners, a team will milk the clock, pass the ball, and force a team to get overtly aggressive which allows easy layups or the team to keep the ball. So many games in high school end 16-12, 14-10 via this strategy. So, that being said, does that really make a team or a QB great? You are essentially using a gimmick strategy to stay in games long enough to have a shot at the end, and to Tebow's credit, he has not let anyone down.Still though, let's say the top rated HS team played a mediocre team and the mediocre team runs the 4 corner offense the entire game and finds themselves down 2pts with 20 secs to go and they hit a buzzer 3 to win. Were they really the better team? Put a shot clock in and that team loses by 50 but through exploiting a certain gimmick strategy, they would have found a way to win a game, they had no business being in.

People ask me all the time, how Tebow can make the defense better, when he doesn't play defense. Answer of course is, a rested defense, is a dangerous defense. There is a reason some of the best offensive teams in the league also have the worst defense. Look at Green Bay, New Orleans and New England. When you play hurry up football, and throw almost every down, even if you score quick touchdowns, your defense is gonna wear down and become exhausted which also allows other teams to go up and down the field. So you are left with shootouts and the best teams' defenses absolutely gashed and made to look terrible, when in reality, they aren't bad defenses.

I am a Tim Tebow fan, I mean how can you not like a guy of his character and moral standing? He is a true role model and someone people's kids should idolize, especially in this day and age of sports where so many get arrested or are selfish or mail in performances for the check. I won't,however, sit here and convince anyone that he is a great QB. He does win, which in the end is all that matters, but a true great QB is a QB who can win and be successful in any system. When sports guys on TV talk about how Denver should play the entire game, the way they allow Tebow to play in the 4th quarter, they aren't taking into account the entire reason Denver has been successful. They are only successful via  playing the way they are playing. You let him throw the ball every down, I guarantee Denver lose by 2 touchdowns per game like against Detroit.

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